Enrolment form

Please fill in the following form to register your interest in a class, or re-enroll for next term if you are a current student.

  1. On submission of this form, it will be collected by the class co-ordinator and you will be contacted shortly after. Please note that the school is part of a voluntary organisation with no full time staff, so it may take us a day to get back to you.
  2. Your class payment must be processed prior to attending your class. Due to the inherent safety risks associated with woodworking machinery, it is vital you are insured when in the workshop. Your payment includes this insurance registration. This insurance coverage is only valid once your class fees have been processed.
  3. Important: Class numbers are limited and existing students have priority enrollment. By completing this form you are indicating your preference and we will be in touch to confirm with you.
Workshop Location

VWA School of Woodcraft
5 Tyrone St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051
View map

Contact details

Meg Allan
Course Co-ordinator

03 5776 2178

What do you hope to achieve from the class?