Mr. Stephen Wyley

Born in 1962 in the town of Colac (Victoria, Australia) and now lives in Melbourne (Victoria), son of a nurse and a fibrous plasterer, He has worked in analytical and research science (from EPA to CSIRO) for 25 years, then moved in occupational health and safety because safety paid more and he had desire to make the world a safer place one workplace at a time, and now works for the state government as a safety inspector. Sports and martial arts figured predominantly in his life which included Freestyle wrestling (represented Australia), Archery (Longbow, Victorian State champion and competed at the nationals), Fencing (foil, epee and sabre at intervarsity competitions), and attaining a blue belt in Shudokan Aikido. A living historian and re-enactor since joining the New Varangian Guard Inc. in 1984, then started Sven the Merchant (a business making and selling medieval goods mainly consisting of furniture, arrows and leatherwork) in 2004 .

Sven The Merchant (STM)

STM is a company in the business of making replica items for living historians, historical re-enactors, geeks, nerds and larpers, based on extant remains, depictions or description in historical texts.

Items include: arms, armour, arrows and accouterments, leatherwork, furniture.

STM also runs a limited number of workshops so that people can learn the skills and make their own replica items (i.e. its cheaper) and you learn the skills to make more, and hopefully pass on the skills to others.

And if we can’t make it or source it, we know, and happily refer you to those that can.

Replica Hedeby chest - pine - hasp closure - large

Contact Us

Victorian Woodworkers Association (VWA)
Postal Address

42 Courtney St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051

VWA Wood Design Centre and Workshop

5 Tyrone St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051
View map



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