VWA Blog

A note from the VWA President

20 Nov 2021 News

At the end of another long, disrupted year (is it 2021 or still 2020? It feels a bit like that!), we are all feeling some relief at the easing of COVID restrictions and getting back to something like normal. Over the last few months, we’ve been working on getting our regular newsletter going again, which you should have received in your inbox already.

We hope to produce this every month or two thanks to the work of our newsletter committee: William Mattysen, Andrew Potocnik, Pip Hayden, Raven Mahon and Adam Markowitz, led by Vivienne Wong and supported by Sophie Sideris from Hortenzia.

With this newsletter we’ll be introducing a regular member profile. This will be a short bio of one of our members and their work, and some examples of pieces they’ve made. We would love to include as many members as we can in our newsletters and on our website. If you’d be happy to participate, please email Vivienne at communications@vwa.org.au

Finally, the VWA is the sum of its members, if you have news you’d like to share with other woodworkers and craftspeople, please drop us a line!

Stephen Ziguras
President, Victorian Woodworker’s Association

Contact Us

Victorian Woodworkers Association (VWA)
Postal Address

42 Courtney St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051

VWA Wood Design Centre and Workshop

5 Tyrone St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051
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