VWA Meets / 2016

Meet#39 Kevin Inkster, CEO Arbortech : Ideas into Products


Large Meeting Room
The Meat Market
5 Courtney St
North Melbourne

Arbortech is one of Australia’s most innovative and successful tool designers and manufacturers, known particularly for its range of carving tools. Kevin will discuss the design and development process that goes into turning ideas into new products. He will also show different applications and uses of the tools.

As an added bonus, Kevin will be offering a significant discount equal to the Woodshow prices to members who buy Arbortech products on the night.

If the front door is closed, there will be instructions on the door for calling the meeting room.

  • View past VWA Meets
  • Meet#38 Why Timber Changes Colour
  • Meet#40 Tour of Maton Guitars Workshop

Contact Us

Victorian Woodworkers Association (VWA)
Postal Address

42 Courtney St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051

VWA Wood Design Centre and Workshop

5 Tyrone St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051
View map



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