VWA Blog

The history of the Victorian Woodworker’s Association

11 Aug 2022 VWA Updates
Introduction from the President of the VWA, Stephen Ziguras:

The VWA is 43 years old this year with a rich and varied history. We’ve often talked of trying to document some of our history and now Hamish Hill, former VWA President and human dynamo has offered to take this job on. Hamish is currently trawling through multiple boxes of records and is keen to talk to or hear from anyone who has been involved with the VWA over the years. There’s a piece from him below with his contact details.

VWA History by Hamish Hill:

Having taken on the task of recording all that I can find of the VWAs’ history, I have started to delve into the archives as well as the brains of the still extant, but ever aging, members. 

I am keen to record any members thoughts and memories of things past in the life of the VWA, particularly interesting, amusing or educational anecdotes. There is also a need to create a record of happenings and events from visiting woodworkers, to exhibitions and demonstrations. So I look for your assistance. If you have any documents, flyers or catalogues that you think may be salient please let me know.

My intention is to keep a running show and tell what is happening through the newsletter, so I will begin this process with a brief anecdote.

During the 1990’s the Committee used to meet monthly in many different locations. On one memorable night we had a most convivial gathering at Bill Hawtin’s house in St Kilda. As was usual at Bills there was probably wine and or tea and coffee available to keep the committees lips well lubricated. No doubt we achieved all the objectives of the President of the day. Either immediately following or during the meeting the then Secretary resigned because he found we were far too informal at these meetings. This was followed not long after by the resignation from the committee of the newsletter editor, because the committee had become a ridiculously formal organization! What was that about, ‘you can’t please all the people’?

Please phone or email me with your own recollections, details or donations of past newsletters and catalogues.


Email: hamishhillkg@hotmail.com
Phone: 0428 577878

Contact Us

Victorian Woodworkers Association (VWA)
Postal Address

42 Courtney St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051

VWA Wood Design Centre and Workshop

5 Tyrone St,
North Melbourne, VIC 3051
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